Hi, what's your name? Hi. My name is Angie. What do you do? I am a disability specialist for students who are visually impaired or blind, and I teach them how to gain independent skills through their mobility, travel in the community safely, cross streets, and utilize public transportation. How does City Heights fit in to your life story? City Heights is pretty special to me because my first teaching job, about sixteen years ago, was in a classroom here in City Heights, where I had students who had moderate to severe disabilities, and one of my students in the class was blind, and that's where my love and passion for what I do now came, and I owe it all to the school I was at in City Heights. If you were to explain City Heights to someone who'd never lived here, how would you explain it? I think I would tell them that City Heights is a real urban area, with lots of diversity, a lot of different people, you get to meet, and pretty much I feel everyone is friendly when you walk down the street, and you meet them. I spent a lot of time in City Heights training my students in walking in the community, and it's a great place, training area for my kids because there's very complex lighted intersections that we cross to do street crossing practice, lots of public transportation that comes through here, so this is one of my favorite training areas that I go to. Ok. Thank you! You're welcome.