How hard is it for student from Crawford High to get straight into four-year university? It's really, really hard, even if you're not a refugee immigrant, to go directly from Crawford to a four year university. For example, this past year, San Diego State had 80,000 applicants for 10,000 positions, so a lot of Crawford students who can't go directly to a four-year university go to a community college for a few years. April, again is one of those students, she's just graduated from Crawford, from City College, and she applied to SDSU and was denied admission the first time because it's all based just on GPA, nothing about character, but we got her in through the appeal process because during the appeal process we could have a recommendation written that talked about April's character, her accomplishments outside of school, and that enabled her to get into the four-year university, which again, is really, really competitive.